它在攒动的人群里 It is in the crowd 带着一股柠檬草的气息 with a touch of a fresh orange 像盛夏里的湿润 Like the humid summer air 初秋里的寂静 and silence in the early autumn
它捉住了半个四季 It catches half a year 只因为剩下的日子里 because in the rest of the days 所有的 everything 都过分激荡 seems excessive
这是你触目所及的世界 This is the world she has come to see 还有那些 and those 莫名挤过指间的风 winds passing through her fingers 这一切 All of these 唯独它 是伫立的 Only it is withstanding 唯独它 是缄默的 Only it is silent 也唯独它 Only it 是无法真正被拥有的 could never be owned
我在虚度这些沉默 She dreams her silence away 从初秋第一片叶子落下的那刻 From the moment the first leaf falls in the early autumn 她就明白 she understood 因为空气里有松枝的味道 because the smell of pine branch is in the air
我还发现 She realizes 夜晚其实也可以欣赏云彩 clouds are also enjoyable at night 它会嵌在那些 they are embedded in those emptiness 那些红叶已坠下的枝头 from the absence of the sun 那究竟为什么 therefore why 还要害怕没有明天 are we still afraid of no tomorrow
我慌忙地面对它的转身 it turns around 没有预兆的惊喜 a surprise without warning 往往令人恐慌 is often intimidating 握手拥抱亲吻甚至交合 Handshake, hug, kiss 一切人类世界所接受的礼节 All human etiquettes 都是无法宽恕的打扰 are considered bothersome
你只能和它 she could only 一起伫立 stand by it 一起缄默 stay silent 一起消磨那些不动声色 loiter time away 让一切看上去都那么从容不迫 making everything seem calm and composed